6 Profit-Boosting Strategies for Small Businesses: Tips to Increase Margins and Grow Your Company

Business Numbers Blog - 6 Profit-Boosting Strategies for Small Businesses

As a small business owner, you know that boosting profits is crucial for the success and growth of your business. But unfortunately, only 40% of small businesses are profitable, according to research by SmallBizTrends. The good news is that changing your business practices can increase your profit margins and take your business to the next level.

This blog post will explore six practical ways to boost profitability and set your small business up for success.

1. Utilise Content Marketing to Boost Visibility and Credibility

Content marketing is an effective and low-cost way to enhance the visibility and credibility of your small business. By creating and consistently publishing high-quality blog posts, videos, and social media updates, you can increase the chances of your target audience coming across your business. However, it's crucial to remember that being visible isn't enough; you must also position yourself as an authority in your industry by sharing your expertise and providing solutions to your audience's problems.

To achieve this, you can create content that addresses your audience's pain points and offers valuable insights and advice. Your content should also be optimised with relevant keywords to ensure it ranks higher in search engine results pages. Building your reputation as a knowledgeable and reliable source increases the likelihood of customers turning to you when they're ready to purchase.

Moreover, content marketing can help you build relationships with your audience by engaging them in meaningful conversations and providing them with the information they need to make informed decisions. By nurturing these relationships, you can create brand loyalty and attract repeat customers, which can significantly boost your profitability in the long run.

2. Create a Stable Cash Flow

Cash flow is critical to the financial health of your business. A positive cash flow allows you to reinvest your capital and generate greater profits.

One way to improve your cash flow is to offer retainer contracts to your clients at a discounted hourly rate. This approach may seem counterproductive initially but it can pay off in the long run.

By securing work for the long term and strengthening client relationships,

you can generate steady income and a reliable cash flow. Retainer contracts also give your clients peace of mind knowing they have guaranteed access to your services without worrying about availability or price hikes.

In addition to offering retainer contracts, consider offering payment incentives to clients who pay on time or in advance. This could include discounts or other perks that motivate clients to pay quickly and consistently. This improves your cash flow and helps build trust and loyalty with your clients.

By creating a stable cash flow, you can focus on growing your business and reinvesting your profits in new opportunities that drive even more revenue.

3. Consider Outsourcing

Outsourcing tasks is one of the most effective ways to boost your small business's profitability. While it may seem like an additional cost, outsourcing can save you money in the long run by allowing you to focus on high-value tasks requiring your expertise.

Look at your daily tasks and consider how much they are worth. If you spend hours on low-value tasks that can be easily outsourced, you're not making the most of your time and expertise. By outsourcing those tasks to a professional, you can free up your time to focus on tasks that generate more revenue for your business.

When considering outsourcing, start with tasks that are time-consuming or require a specific skill set you don't possess. For example, if you're not experienced in bookkeeping, outsourcing your accounting tasks to a professional can save you time and prevent costly mistakes.

You can also consider outsourcing essential tasks that can be completed remotely. This includes social media management, website design and maintenance, and customer service.

Remember, outsourcing isn't just about reducing costs; it's also about improving the quality of your work. By outsourcing to experienced professionals, you can ensure that your work is completed to a high standard, which can ultimately benefit your business in the long run.

4. Cross-Selling

Cross-selling is a proven tactic to boost profits by introducing complementary products or services your customers will likely be interested in. For example, if you run a clothing store and a customer buys a dress, you could suggest matching shoes or a handbag that would complete their outfit. By cross-selling, you can increase the average order value and create a better customer shopping experience.

To effectively cross-sell, you need to have a good understanding of your customer's needs and preferences. Analyse your customer data to identify patterns in their purchasing behaviour and preferences. Use this information to develop a list of complementary products you can offer your customers.

You can also use cross-selling to introduce new or lesser-known products to your customers. By highlighting the benefits and value of these products, you can increase their appeal and generate more sales.

However, avoiding being too pushy or aggressive with your cross-selling efforts is important. Make sure you offer complementary products that genuinely add value to your customer's purchases rather than just trying to upsell them on something they don't need or want.

5. Shop Around with Suppliers

Suppliers are a crucial part of your business but can also be a significant source of expenses. If you have been using the same suppliers for a long time, it's easy to fall into the trap of thinking you're getting the best deal possible. However, suppliers don't reward customer loyalty, and there is always the possibility that you could find a better price elsewhere. Shopping around with different suppliers could reduce your expenses and increase your profit margins.

Here are some tips for shopping around with suppliers:

  • Research different suppliers: Research different suppliers and their pricing structures. Look for suppliers who offer the products or services you need at a reasonable price.
  • Ask for quotes: Once you have identified potential suppliers, ask them for quotes. This will help you compare prices and find the best deal.
  • Negotiate: Feel free to negotiate with suppliers. If you can show that you are a valuable customer, they may be willing to offer you a better deal.

Consider the quality of the products or services: When comparing suppliers, don't just look at the price. Instead, consider the quality of the products or services they offer. You don't want to sacrifice quality for a lower price, which could hurt your business in the long run.

Keep communication open: It's essential to keep communication open with your suppliers. Tell them you are shopping around and looking for the best deal. This could encourage them to offer you a better price or service to keep your business.

6. Remove Dead Weight

When boosting your profits, you need to analyse your current offerings and determine which ones generate the most profit. But unfortunately, it's common for small business owners to find that some of their products or services don't generate much profit. Some may even be losing money. That's why it's essential to regularly review your offerings and cut out any that aren't worth your time and resources.

To start, look at your sales data and identify products or services that consistently underperform. Then, evaluate whether these offerings are vital for your business or if they can be eliminated. Cutting out these low-performing products or services can help you save time and resources and free up more space for offerings that generate a higher profit.

It's worth noting that removing dead weight doesn't necessarily mean eliminating entire product lines or services. Instead, consider tweaking your offerings to make them more profitable. For example, consider adjusting your prices or bundling products or services to increase their value to customers. The key is to focus on offerings that generate a high-profit margin and eliminate those that don't.


Boosting your profits doesn't just happen; it requires time and consistent action. By focusing on marketing, outsourcing lower-value tasks and getting rid of products and services that don't make you money, you will see a significant increase in your margins. Furthermore, it's important to maintain a healthy cash flow to have capital available to reinvest in profit-generating activities and shop around with suppliers to keep your costs low.


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